V-Quiz APP
With more than 7,000 quiz questions on various industry-relevant topics, both brokers and consultants can use V-Quiz to expand their insurance knowledge in a playful way and collect quiz coins, which are then converted into further training hours in accordance with IDD (EU) or Cicero credits (Switzerland). can.
Zaigen GmbH is accredited in Germany by gutberaten.de and is authorized to award further training hours in accordance with the European Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD). In Switzerland, V-Quiz is accredited by, among others, Cicero (Certified Insurance Competence). In Austria, Zaigen GmbH is the holder of the “Insurance Agents” and “Insurance Brokers and Consultants in Insurance Matters” quality seals and offers IDD lessons via the in-house app V-Quiz.
The use of V-Quiz is free of charge - costs are only incurred when you apply for further training time.