V-Project is a social inquiry application. Helps to solve real problems of people.

Latest Version

Nov 7, 2022
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V-Project APP

Problems can be solved faster together. Opinion polls are a simple and convenient tool for changing the life of an entrance, a city and even a country for the better. Your opinion is the foundation of this process. Start helping people with it. Register in the V-Project application!

V-Project is an app with hundreds of surveys. This is a completely anonymous service that helps people solve real problems. Change the world in the right direction with your own opinion!

Sociological surveys are:
✔ the opportunity to express your opinion so that it will be taken into account
✔ a real way to influence the life of your city and even your country!
✔ a chance to find out what issues really concern society

V-Project opinion polls are for people who care. For those who want not only to live, but also to share their attitude towards events, persons, goods and everything that fills our life.

Why us?
Take online surveys where it is convenient and when it is convenient through the V-Project application
No annoying calls or emails. And without a real interviewer opposite
Your personal data is only taken into account for specific surveys and is not shared with anyone
One person is unlikely to be heard. The opinion of many can really change the state of affairs

How we are working?
We receive your answers to questions in a summary anonymized form
We analyze using our own algorithms, and the final conclusions are drawn by sociologists
We summarize all the data and pass on the findings to companies and NGOs
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