Urban Mandi APP
Urban Mandi is a unique farm-to-fork service that provides fresh fruit and vegetables right at the customers' doorstep. Officially launched in April 2015, it has swiftly gained a loyal consumer base in its target markets. Currently, the service is operational in neighbourhoods of South, West and North Delhi.
Now,consumers can skip the hassles of supermarket lines and traffic jams to simply get good quality, farm-fresh produce delivered at home. Urbam Mandi offers a wide variety of seasonal, exotic and local fruits and vegetables at the best prices. From Golden kiwi to Granny Smith apples, Dragon fruit to Dusehri mango, Rambutan to Red capsicum – we have it all! Our consumers have only to ask.
Through its special ‘Book First, Buy Later’ model, the company guarantees only the freshest fruits and vegetables, hand picked for your home. This ensures that produce needs no in-between storage and comes to the consumer in its most natural form.
Urban Mandi puts choice in the hands of the consumer. Whether it is the productrange, payment mode or easy-ordering, customers are now kings, shopping from the comfort of their homes. Our commitment remains towards excellent quality at excellent prices so you can Eat, Feel and Live Fresh!