VTC & TAXI & MOTO TAXIS drivers, UPDRIVE helps you quickly create your quotes, purchase orders and invoices.
For your transfers or provision, UP DRIVE takes into account all the charges related to your activity of VTC & MOTO TAXI drivers
Race calculator
Discover a new way to help you quickly determine the price of a transfer or provision.
UP DRIVE calculates for you the cost price of your trip as accurately as possible (transfer & provision), you can adjust the margin you want at any time.
UPDRIVE is able to give you the exact price of a ride. By highlighting your compound cost price: (vehicles, insurance, vehicle maintenance, fuels, tolls, etc.)
From the race calculator, create an order form & quote or invoice
Finally a simple and accessible application, which will save you time
- Convert your quotes into purchase orders then your purchase orders into invoice with a single click
- Track your quotes & invoices sent
- Consult all your archived quotes & purchase orders & invoices
- UP DRIVE, simplifies you and offers you invoices in accordance with the tax rules in force.
Creation of quotes, purchase orders and invoices
Create in a few clicks your order form, your quotes or invoices from the race calculator.
UPDRIVE helps you quickly create your quotes, purchase orders and invoices. The order form is automatically generated by the UP DRIVE application, including the necessary and mandatory information in the event of an inspection.
- Name or company name and contact details of your company
- Customer's name and telephone number
- Date and time of reservation
- Date, time and place of the client's care
Real-time dashboard
- Benefits
- Turnover
- Number of races completed
- Break even
- Expenses