Unyc APP
Unyc does not offer telephony and voicemail services or app support to the general public. Contact your service provider if you have any questions or to find out if they are built on Unyc.
With Unyc, you can take control of your home or office telephony services from anywhere.
• Make and receive calls over WiFi/3G/4G using your landline number
• Move calls between your landline, mobile and tablet devices, without hanging up
• Instant messaging
• Add video to your calls
• Make calls from any phone using your landline caller ID
• Receive new voicemail alerts
• Playback voice and video messages and view faxes
• View transcribed voice messages
• Control how incoming calls are handled
• Sync your Accession contacts across devices
NOTE: Your service provider may not offer all features listed or may require you to pay additional subscription charges to access certain features. Contact your service provider for information. Unyc also requires data or WiFi access. Use of these services may incur additional charges.