UniqU - Brain Training Puzzles APP
Well, it’s just half-true. Our brain is an excellent optimizer. It optimizes everything in our body, and of course, it means that the thinking process is also optimized. Brain tries to make all things automatic. When things are automated your brain goes into auto pilot mode, you stop thinking and analyzing , and when you stop exploring something, you shut the door for new knowledge. So our adult brain needs constant training just to keep it in shape. Tasks like this app offers have to be blended into your daily routine. That's why UniqU has been created. It’s a free game for your memory training.
Let’s jump into the details. There are different kinds of puzzles; it’s like another type of training with exercises that are aimed at certain brain activities. We have logic, calculation, reaction, memory, riddles, concentration, etc. After just a few tests UniqU can check your general knowledge in different spheres where you’re good at and advise you how to improve yourself. Our game will submit your score and save it right after you are done with training . When you complete the training you will see your progress. To boost your desire for self-development our game has a leaderboard. There you can see who is the top dog and if you can become the one.
UniqU is
* a free offline game and a great brain teaser
* the easiest way to improve your cognitive skills
* the game containing different challenges for logic, language tasks, puzzles,
calculation, quizzes, and so on
* giving you information about your weak and strong points
* advising you on how to train your weak points
* leaderboard to keep your competitive spirit up
Install UniqU free offline game to become better you or prove yourself as a well-rounded person.