This is a live beta release of the app. It is to be used by UNSMS security professionals only as a part of the operationalization of the app. The tool includes the following:
- Detailed physical description of a premises into its constituent parts, including boundary types, structure types, construction material and occupancy;
- A detailed assessment of physical security elements with respect to:
* Perimeter Protection
* Blast Protection/Structural resistance control
* Access control
* Electronic Security
* Safety/Fire Safety/Response
- Integration with the Security Risk Management (SRM) e-Tool and the Safety and Security Incident Recording System (SSIRS) data;
- Full integration with the physical security “Menu of Options” to ensure proper assessment of existing mitigation measures and identification of necessary mitigation measures.
In order to take full advantage of the tool, users are required to have a UNSMIN account. Once the information is collected through the App, it should be uploaded to UNSMIN for analysis and preparation of a report.