Undertale Bits & Pieces Mobile GAME
@BlaizeMayes1 and Team BnP, (and ported by Wanderlust) that reimagines the game.
Pass by a human and monsters world.
Details from the game:
The Player must move the protagonist's SOUL, represented by a red heart, to avoid attacks. As the game progresses, new elements are introduced in the form of Attack Types and SOUL Modes. Attacks can be in different colors, some of which can heal the SOUL or be an obstacle. SOUL modes alters the SOUL's color and how it functions in a battle, and is often used during a Boss battle.
During the protagonist's turn, they can use one of the four options per turn: FIGHT, ACT, ITEM, and MERCY. FIGHT damages the opponent with a quick-time event. Selecting an ACT can change the opponent's mood, or reveal information on the enemy. Using an item can benefit the protagonist. If certain conditions are met, MERCY can be selected to spare the enemy, which ends the combat. At the end of the battle, GOLD is earned. Killing an enemy rewards EXP and LV, but neither are given if an enemy is successfully spared.