UK Postbox APP
Dashboard Overview - a snapshot of your account information:
Client ID
Monthly scan limits
Page & parcel scan limits
Transaction History
Manage Your Inbox - control post on a case-by-case basis:
Return to sender
Delete the item
Open & scan contents
Scan pages
Forward to another location
Store physically or digitally
Recycle or shred mail
Contact - speak to the relevant people you need:
Customer services
Mailroom scanning
Mailroom forwarding
Technical support
Parcel management
Verification team
N13 London Office
Send Letters Online - sending letters on your behalf
Upload a PDF of your letter
Provide delivery information
Add any notes
We’ll post it for you within the UK
Account Settings - manage your UK Postbox account
Update personal data
Renewal dates
Virtual address information
Default action when receiving mail
Please note: A UK Postbox account is required to use this app to its full functionality. Visit for more information on signing up.