UIIC Customer APP
1. Register Policy:
Customer can register their policy for faster accessing of other functionalities in the app.
Note: The mobile number associated with the policy which is being registered should be same as the mobile number which is used at the time of customer registration.
2. View Policy:
Registered policy details can be viewed by the customer by selecting policy from drop down.
3. Feedback Form:
Customer can submit the feedback form by selecting policy from drop-down.
4. Online Motor OD Claim Intimation;
Customer can intimate for Motor OD claim either by providing policy number or vehicle registration number.
5. Download Offline claim form:
Customer can download offline claim form.
6. Claim Search:
Customer can check Motor OD Claim status by searching with either policy number or vehicle registration number or by claim number. The feature is currently enabled for OD Claims only.
7. Motor Insurance:
Premium calculator is available for motor two wheeler / private car and customer can calculate premium and generate new policy or renew other insurers' policies.
8. Motor Renew:
Customer can renew UIIC policy by providing previous policy number.
9. Personal Accident:
Premium calculator is available for PA cover and customer can calculate premium and generate new Personal Accident policy.
10. Personal Accident Renew:
Customer can renew UIIC Personal Accident policy by providing previous policy number.
11. Arogya Sanjeevani:
Premium calculator is available for Arogya Sanjeevani Policy and customers can calculate premium and generate new policy.
12. Arogya Sanjeevani Renew:
Customer can renew UIIC Arogya Sanjeevani policy by providing previous policy number.
13. Corona Kavach Policy:
Premium calculator is available for Corona Kavach Policy and customers can calculate premium and generate new policy.
14. Corona Kavach Policy Renew:
Customer can renew UIIC Corona Kavach Policy by providing previous policy number.
15, Family Medicare (Floater health Policy):
Premium calculator is available for Family Medicare Policy and customers can calculate premium and generate new policy.
16. Family Medicare Renew:
Customer can renew UIIC Family Medicare Policy by providing previous policy number.