uFace APP
It is a new approach of closed analytical solution to evaluate radial displacements for deep tunnels in cohesive soils, considering face reinforcement and time influence.
It includes three calculation tabs, as per below:
1) unreinforced tunnel front response (undrained)
2) time influence on unreinforced tunnel front response
3) reinforced tunnel front response (undrained)
I might work on some improvements over time but no immediate action is expected at this moment.
Suggestions are very welcome, drop me an email :)
General References are:
Journal paper
di Prisco C., Flessati L., Frigerio G., Lunardi P (2018). A numerical exercise for the definition under undrained conditions of the deep tunnel front characteristic curve. Acta
Geotechnica. 13 (3) 635–649
di Prisco, C., Flessati, L. Frigerio, G., Castellanza, R., Caruso, M., Galli, A., Lunardi, P. (2018) Experimental investigation of the time-dependent response of unreinforced and
reinforced tunnel faces in cohesive soils. Acta Geotechnica. 13(3) 651-670
Lattanzi, A., di Prisco, C. & Flessati, L. (2018) Simulazione numerica del processo di consolidazione durante lo scavo di gallerie profonde in materiali coesivi e influenza del
tempo di scavo sulla curva caratteristica del fronte. Gallerie e Grandi Opere Sotterranee, 128
di Prisco, C., Flessati, L. (2019) A numerical tool for estimating deep tunnel front displacements: the role of the excavation rate in cohesive soils. Under review
di Prisco, C., Flessati, L., Porta, D. (2019) Deep tunnel fronts in cohesive soils under undrained conditions: a displacement-based approach for the design of fibreglass
reinforcements. Under review