uCOACHu Golf Swing Analyser APP
1. Record your swing with your mobile phone and upload for the uCOACHu proprietary AI to analyze.
2. Receive a highly specific and targeted Improvement Plan created based on your individual swing.
3. Use the drills from your Improvement Plan and repeat!
Your first improvement plan is completely FREE, so you can experience what makes the uCOACHu app so unique! Thereafter you can select either a single day pass as and when you need it, or a monthly subscription to receive the maximum benefit over time.
To see the remarkable improvements of uCOACHu on your golf game, all you’ll need is a golf club, a ball (or just some paper) and a mobile phone. The uCOACHu app will analyze over 70 different components of your swing, generating a detailed improvement plan in minutes, that includes corrective pointers and simple drills, specifically targeted for you.
With uCOACHu, every golfer will realize they can find consistency and enjoyment on the golf course right on their phone!