Ubird di EBN Italia APP
Ubird has been operational since 1 January 2018, designed to give birdwatchers the central role with a user profile focused on the number of species observed (according to the Italian checklist), number of data entered at national level and at the level of the individual provinces and relative ranking. .
To facilitate entry, over 450 Hotspots are shown on the map, particularly important sites, most of which have already been reported in the book "Birdwatching in Italy-Muzzio Ed". For each of these hotspots, a check list is available obtained through the data of the same users (members only). Seawatching Hotspots have also been included, to observe seabirds.
In Ubird there is no data obscured or made unavailable because the observer does not want to reveal them, each registered user can enter their data by georeferencing them. It is possible to insert a documentary photo and audio file to confirm, if necessary, the observation, directly from a mobile phone.
The data of 15 species, rare or sensitive to human disturbance, are hidden for protectionist reasons: Lanner, Bonelli's Eagle, Egyptian Vulture, Eagle Owl, Ural Owl, Dwarf Owl, Head Owl, Black Stork, Rock Partridge, Grouse, Ptarmigan , Black grouse, Mountain Francolin, Little Bustard, King of quails. To these we have added for the winter period the observations of Short-eared Owl and for the reproductive period, those of European jay.