U Social Network APP
least once per day. People share their photos, status, videos
including all other adventures in their news feeds and let others
do comment, like, or share. But as a person who is visually
impaired or blind, if they couldn't use social networks, they
might feel isolated from society. Therefore, in society, there is a
need for social network application which is exclusively for blind
and visually impaired people. The application mainly focuses on
blind and visually impaired people. The system functions over
the voice. Develop an authentication system with the recovery
approach, develop specified user interfaces and the value-added
service of calls and instant messaging to contacts of a contact list
are the main objectives that are achieved through the system.
Basically, the application mainly allows blind and visually
impaired people to publish posts, make comments, make
friends, instant calling, and do instant messaging by voice with
a better user experience. In the future color themes of the
application can be set as changeable according to the user’s
visual impairment. Further, the application can be integrated
with other social media to extend the connection between the