U-Like-It APP
The shop owner creates offers using a mobile app and broadcasts these offers to all mobile apps of prospective
customers. The shop owner pays for the range where the offer can be seen and the duration in days. The customer
gets notified about offers matching her/his preset preferences if entering the range of advertisement. The customer
gets guided to the shop selling the offer of interest. For the customer the usage of the the app is free. Once
the customer enters the shop, she/he scans the QR code identifying the shop and gets a certificate on the display
granting her/him to buy the selected offer to the special price or discount. In return we can provide statistic
data about sales that were advertised using our app. The app is filtering advertisements to desired advertisement
for the customer showing only offers that he likes. Advertisement is expensive and time consuming to the shop owner.
Our app reduces the time to placement of offers to seconds and minimizes the effort for layout and distribution. Shop owners can adjust cost and range
for advertisement on a very fine level. Using our app there arises a win-win situation for shop owner and customer.