Twiggle APP
Twiggle is a platform for all those dance lovers who wish to learn dance at their place and time of convenience.
With a variety of dance steps from different genres, Twiggle brings home your private dancing class with various added features.
Create your own Avatar – Twiggle, in association with Ready Player Me, helps you create your own customized Avatar.
Create Unique Dances in the Dance Lab – Showcase your creativity with steps taken from different genres and made into a single dance.
Learn Each Step of a Dance at your Pace – You don’t have to go in search of expensive dance classes to learn different forms of dances. Learn them all with Twiggle at home.
With a total of 140 steps from different genres, you can master dances by learning them at your own pace.
Record your dances with your Avatar to assess your moves and enjoy!
So that’s it… Let’s Twiggle then…