An alarm clock 鬧鐘 that can be set to penalize you if you do not wake up on time.



App APKs


Time is Money (TIM) 鬧鐘 is the smart alarm clock that can be set to penalize you if you do not wake up on time.

Time is Money - 鬧鐘 has all the features of any alarm clock application, but has a major added value: forces you to wake up on time in order to save money!

Time is Money - 鬧鐘 also keeps track of how lazy you are, and lets you check your oversleep stats.

On top of that, it is completely free and has no ads!


- Penalty Alarms: You can optionally set up the alarms to charge you a money penalty if you wake up late. You decide the amount per minute and the maximum per alarm.

- Statistics: Keeps track of how lazy you are by recording the stats about your delays and penalties.

- Wake up check: Verifies that you are awake by asking you to sort a list of numbers.

- You can use as alarm sound any music or song that you have available as ringtone.

- Volume in Crescendo: It is possible to set it up so the alarms increase its volume gradually. When you grab your phone the sound lowers immediately.

- Multiple and recurring alarms.

- Direct access to the time and date system settings.

- Time is Money - 鬧鐘 is free and ad free: You can enjoy this app for nothing, but donations in the form of credit recharges are welcome.

- Time is Money - 鬧鐘 has features that other alarm clock apps do not have.
