Android Oscilloscope


Google Play ID

App APKs

Oscilloscope APP

* Timebase 0.1 ms - 0.5 sec
* Single shot
* Storage
* Index


The icons on the toolbar are, from left to right:

Bright line Defeats the sync and single shot
Single shot Touch the trigger icon to get a trace
Trigger Touch for a trace
Sync polarity Reverses the sync polarity
Timebase Drops a submenu of timebase timings
Storage Does not clear the display between traces
Clear Clears the display
Left Moves the trace to the left
Right Moves the trace to the right
Start Moves the trace to the start
End Moves the trace to the end
Settings Just an About item

Touching the display will produce a vertical index line, which will show the value at that point. The value is arbitrary, as there is automatic gain control on the input so the trace does not get clipped. The position of the index can be finely adjusted by rolling the finger tip. The index can be removed by swiping it off to the left, or touching the Start icon.

In single shot mode the timebase may be changed to zoom in and pan left and right using the right and left icons.
