Bigg老闆馬來亞投票(第一季) - 網上投票和離線投票



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Bigg Boss Malayalam Vote APP

Bigg Boss Malayalam Vote (Season 1) – Online Voting & Offline Voting

Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 1 Is Hosted By Mohanlal.

Bigg Boss Malayalam Vote process: The First season of Bigg Boss 1 Malayalam has been started on 24th June, 2018. Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 1 to host by Mohanlal . As per big boss rules, Every week few contestant will be nominate for Public voting. To know more about Bigg Boss Malayalam Voting, Elimination, Missed Call Number Details, Eviction results and Poll status this app will be very useful.

The final list of contestants for season 1 Malayalam bigg boss includes star celebrities and some commoners. With list of 16 members inside the isolated house, the next 100 days going to have more fun and entertainment for both participants and audience.

Bigg Boss Malayalam Vote made easy to vote your favorite Contestants.


~ Bigg Boss Online Voting
~ Bigg Boss Missed Call Voting
~ Bigg Boss Contestants Details
~ Weekly Elimination Updates
~ Weekly Nominated Updates

Procedure for ONLINE voting:

In the ONLINE Voting tab,you will find search the term 'Bigg Boss Malayalam Vote' click on your favourite contestant,just stand on there you can see list of nominated contestants for the week.

* Don't wait, cast your vote to your favorite contestant.
* One thing, you should log in to your gmail account to cast your vote.You can cast maximum of 50 votes.
* The online voting poll will be available for five days per weekfrom Monday Night 10 PM to Friday 11.59 PM. And you can't able to see it in weekends.

Procedure for OFFLINE voting:

In the OFFLINE Voting tab,you will find the mobile numbers of each contestant.By single tab/click You can vote your favorite contestant by giving missed call to their assigned mobile number

1. It is a Missed Call voting system in which a mobile number is assigned to each contestant.
2. You can vote your favorite contestant by giving missed call to their assigned mobile number.
3. Only people in India are able to vote in Missed Call method using mobile phone.

Sl. No Contestants Profession
1 Swetha Menon Actress
2 Deepan Murali Actor
3 Sreelakshmi Sreekumar Actress
4 Srinish Aravind Actor
5 Hima Shankar Actress
6 Aristo Suresh Actor
7 Diya Sana Activist
8 Anoop Chandran Actor
9 Aditi Rai Actress
10 Basheer Bashi Actor
11 Manoj Varma Business Man
12 Pearle Maaney Anchor
13 David John Actor
14 Sabumon Abdusamad Actor
15 Archana Suseelan Actress
16 Ranjini Haridas Actress

Tags : bigg boss,big boss,bigg boss Malayalam,bigg boss Malayalam season 1,bigg boss season 1,bigg boss live updates,Bigg boss season 1 Malayalam 1018,Big boss season 1 Malayalam 2018,Bigboss season 1 Malayalam 2018,big boss Malayalam.

Hope You Like This Bigg Boss Malayalam Voting App
