Local weather, daily & hourly which has accurate today weather forecast.



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Accurate weather forecast : Local & global APP

Your local weather app, available wherever you are! weather forecasts can help you to prepare your days and weeks without surprise, hurricane, storm, and local weather forecast temperatures.
Get updates live hourly weather forecast accurate information. it’s very simple to get the local weather in your current location or many locations. weather forecast conditions provides current local weather forecast, provide weather forecasts global world and temperature in celsius and fahrenheit, with sunset sunrise time of your city.
Weather forecast Local, National & global
Weather forecast app also provides local conditions, seasonal allergy, cold temperature, visibility, humidity, distance in real-time and with different unites. track atmospheric pressure, strom or hurricane in many locations on home screen, with location manager, you can add Boston weather, Tokyo weather, South korea weather, london, madrid or toronto.
Weather forecast app has a lot of features :
100% Free.
● Weather Real-Time Local conditions & global Weather
● Current weather, weather for the day Minute-by-minute & hourly and next 7 days weather forecast.
● Global. weather accurate in any places, ex: Paris weather, london weather, New york weather, Chicago weather
● Follow the Air Quality Index - Assess air pollution, humidity, the air pressure,wind speed
dew point, rain, precipitation, atmosphere pressure, visibility, storm, sunrise sunset, stormshield
● Detect your location by WIFI or GPS.
● Weather blue notifications. You can turn off this feature if you don’t like.
● Weather Clock: beautiful Weather clock widget in real-time, weather forecasts,
● Weather Widgets : beautiful widgets screen home weather forecasts,
Customize your theme weather forecast today :
● Local: Access to reports local weather conditions,
● Style : Dark / white
● Pressure Units: mbar, bar, psi, inHg, mmHg
● Weather Widgets
● Wind Units: m/s, mph, km/h
● Rain / Storm warning 30 minutes in advance
● Planning for work (bad weather warning)
Upcoming features
● Outdoor weather planning (cycling, running, picnics ...)
We will try our my best to make this daily weather forecast app better and better.
If you have any questions, please contact us via email: support@ibento.ma
