3D桌上彈球 GAME
- 精心設計的4張桌子,包含不同的任務,指示和功能塊
- 真實的3D物理引擎
- 每張桌子都有詳細的Tableguide,在每張Tableguide裡有對每個得分點的詳細說明,並能讓您更全面的了解桌子
- 積分排行系統,每場比賽結束您可以輸入您的名字,您的得分會被放在高分榜中進行排名
- 每天可以完成每日任務(Daily Quest),每日任務的獎勵可以幫助您更快的解鎖桌子
- 遊戲提供多種鏡頭跟隨的方式,可以在設置裡進行調整
- 遊戲提供多種道具幫助您在遊戲中取得高分
- 在遊戲開始時,向下滑動屏幕發球
- 點擊屏幕左半側任意點控制左擋板(Flipper),屏幕右半側任意點控制右擋板右擋板(Flipper),用擋板和其他操作控件去保持你的球不掉落,不斷的撞擊讓您的得分更高,嘗試創造更高的記錄
- 用兩隻手滑動屏幕切換到自己喜歡的視角
- 點擊最上面的點子屏幕可以暫停遊戲
3D Pinball is the most realistic 3D based arcade pinball game on Google Play. This game is your go-to place for all of your pinball carvings!
3D Pinball features 4 pinball tables with unique graphics, instructions and mission systems which will be interesting for everyone. Try to complete certain objectives in a certain fashion to earn high scores or extra balls. The flawless physics of this game faithfully recreate the mechanics of real pinball with stunning sights and awesome sounds. 3D Pinball rocks!
Game Features:
- Pirates, Wild West, Frozen and Magic themed pinball machines
- Play with a flying table view with the camera panning and zooming over the action
- Realistic physics, 3D graphics and a simulated 3D effect
How to Play:
- Tap ANYWHERE on the left side of screen to control the left flipper
- Tap ANYWHERE on the right side of screen to control the right flipper
- Shake your phone to nudge the pinball table if the ball is stuck in the middle