Watch your favorite TV channels directly on your SMARTPHONE with the TVpro

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Apr 23, 2019
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Tonton saluran TV favorit Anda Langsung di SMARTPHONE Anda dengan aplikasi TVpro di perangkat Anda.
TVpro mendukung hampir semua format.
Aplikasi ini dioptimalkan secara khusus agar sangat mudah dikonfigurasikan dan dokumentasi terperinci disediakan.

Saran Dan kritik masih kami harapkan untuk kelancaran TVpro ini.

Disini ada banyak sekali chanel TV lokal dan TV luar negeri, Anda dapat menyaksikan chanel Premium juga. dan berikut beberapa chanel yang tersedia di TVpro :

*TV lokal
RCTI, SCTV, ANTV, MNC Group, TV one, Indosiar, iNews, Metro TV, Kompas TV, Jak TV, JGO, Net TV, Ochanel, RTV, Trans TV dan Trans 7.

* TV Luar Negeri
TV Malaysia, TV Korea, TV Turki. Banyak saluran TV yang ada di dalamnya, dan akan kami update untuk negara lainnya.

*Music Chanel
beberapa channel music unggulan dari berbagai manca negara dan indonesia, yang tentunya ada yang premiumnya.

*Entertainment channel
merupakan channel unggulan didalamnya banyak chanel premium mengenai film film aksi laga dan film unggulan lainnya.

*Kids channel
chanel ini di khususkan untuk anak anak, banyak film kartun dan animasi yang banyak di gemari anak anak.

*News Channel
Chanel yang kami katagorikan hanya untuk menyiarkan berita berita terupdate.

* Sport channel
chanel khusus untuk anda yang suka dengan nonton berbagai cabang olahraga dan sport lainnya.

*Religi chanel
merupakan chanel khusus bagi anda yang ingin mencari syiar syiar keagamaan.

*Action streaming
bagi anda yang suka menonton film streaming unggulan, tentunya kami memilah dengan rating tertinggi dan terpopuler.


Watch your favorite TV channels directly on your SMARTPHONE with the TVpro application on your device.
TVpro supports almost all formats.
This application is specifically optimized to be very easy to configure and detailed documentation is provided.

Suggestions and criticisms are still expected for the smooth running of TVpro.

Here there are lots of local TV channels and foreign TV, you can watch Premium channels too. and here are some channels available on TVpro:

* Local TV
RCTI, SCTV, ANTV, MNC Group, TV one, Indosiar, iNews, Metro TV, Kompas TV, Jak TV, JGO, Net TV, Ochanel, RTV, Trans TV and Trans 7.

* International TV
Malaysian TV, Korean TV, Turkish TV. Many TV channels are in it, and we will update them for other countries.

* Music Chanel
some of the leading music channels from various countries and Indonesia, of course there is a premium.

*Entertainment channel
is the featured channel in it, there are many premium channels about action action films and other excellent films.

* Kids channel
this channel is specifically for children, many cartoons and animations that many children enjoy.

* News Channel
Chanel that we categorize only to broadcast updated news.

* Sport channel
special channel for those of you who like watching various sports and other sports.

* Religious channels
is a special channel for those of you who want to find a syiar syiar religious.

* Action streaming
for those of you who like to watch excellent streaming movies, of course we sort the highest and most popular ratings.
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