Tussly Beta APP
Early access means that you are one of the first to use our platform. It also means that you will probably find errors or have ideas for features you would like to see.
Your feedback is extremely important to us. We encourage you to visit
Enjoy the Tussly platform! We hope you love using it as much as we love building it.
Tussly provides esports organizers with a platform to create and host tournaments with customizable features specific to their esport.
Using the Tussly mobile app, tournament participants and users will have access to:
Tournament pages that contain:
- The Tussly Arena for individual match check in and match flow control including Stage/Map Picks Bans, Bind Character Selections, Round Score Reporting and more.
- Brackets with full tournament schedules, results, and box scores with detailed match statistics
- Leaderboards with statistics for every participant and team
- Full tournament information including social media, streams, admin contact, rules and more
Player Cards with features like:
- Individual Tournament statistics and results
- Tournament career detailed statistics for individual games
- Banner, Logo & Biography customization
- Social Media and Video Highlights
- The ability to connect with other gamers and chat through Tussly
Team Pages with the following:
- Tournament statistics and results
- Rosters and individual player tournament statistics
- Team Banner, logo and biography customization
- Social Media and Video Highlights
Notifications that alert you for:
Upcoming matches including opponent, time, and station (if applicable)
Friend requests and acceptances
Requests to join team and acceptances
Tournament invitations
And more!