TunerView for Android APP
User Manual: http://linszter.net/TunerView_ENG.pdf
App is not free, you must have to buy a datalog protocol via In-App payment to use the app. We can refund your purchase if you have problem or you don't like the app.
If you have any issue, please contact support by email!
The app supports the following protocols:
- Crome QD2 (Honda™)
- Crome QD2 with Moates Demon (Honda™)
- Crome QD3 (Honda™)
- eCtune (Honda™)
- ECUMaster EMU
- KTuner R1 (Honda™)
- KTunerFlashV1.2 (Honda™)
- KTunerFlashV2 (Honda™)
- Neptune (Honda™)
- Neptune RTP (Honda™)
- GUFB with Moates QuarterHorse (Ford™)
- CBAZA with Moates QuarterHorse (Ford™)
- OBD1 0D definition with Moates Autoprom (GM™)
- Moates SuperLogger
- NismotronicSA (Nissan™)
- Hondata™ S300 V3 (Bluetooth) (Honda™)
- OBD2 ELM327 support (limited beta)
For Honda OBD1, Nismotronic ECU's or Moates devices you can buy bluetooth module from Moates.net: https://www.moates.net/neptunedemon-bluetooth-module-addon-p-298.html Direct ECU, Demon 1, Demon 2, Nismotronic and QuarterHorse has different pinout and different baudrate. If you have question or problem please contact us at peter@hrtuning.com or check our support forum: http://www.hrtuning.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=24
More info: http://www.hrtuning.com & http://tunerviewdisplays.com