Tuner Wear APP
Works on guitar, twelve string's guitar, bass, ukelele, violin, cello, viola, double bass, piano, harp, sitar, guqin, biwa, shamisen, sanshin, konghou, koto, etc...
- Two decimal precision;
- Color dynamic scale, the green is used as the note reaches;
- Sensitivity auto-adjusted;
- Recognizes each of the twelve chromatic (semitone) steps of the equal-tempered scale (C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B);
- Works on your smartwatch :-)
- Guitar tuner;
- Violin tuner;
- Bass tuner;
Future features:
- Temperaments;
- A4 calibrate;
- Sensitivity manual ajusts;
- Color ajusts;
- Sound samples;
- Standard tunnings of most popular instruments;