Tube Hub APP
Install Tube app to skip ads free videos, enjoy super pop-up player!
Floating video player
- Allows you to play the videos in floating pop-up mode
Ad Blocker for Video
- Block ads for videos.
- The video player blocks ads, so you can enjoy an ad-free tube videos
- Pop-up ad blocker, this pop-up blocker can also help you to block pop-up ads.
- Auto skip ads
💎 Ad-Block videos play ads free videos
🔥 Many video resolution like 144p, 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1024p
🎵 History option
💥 Floating pop-up player
⭐ Bookmark videos to remind video
1. Tube Hub – The content of the video is from the API service.
2. Tube Hub - API terms of use according to google play policies