To enable ANMs to enter the target and achievement data of the Food Distribution

Latest Version

Jan 3, 2022

App APKs

TS - Arogya Lakshmi APP

Telangana is one of the few states where a separate Department is functioning for development and welfare of women and children. In many states, these come under the Women and Child Welfare Department.

The broad mandate of the Department is to have holistic development of Women and Children. For the holistic development of the child, the Department has been implementing the world's largest and most unique and outreach programme of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) providing a package of services comprising supplementary nutrition, immunization, health check up and referral services, pre-school non-formal education.
There are 35,700 Anganwadi Centers functioning in the State in 149 ICDS Projects. (31,711 Main Centers and 3989 Mini Centers)
The mobile based app ‘Arogya Lakshmi” is proposed to enable ANMs to enter the target and achievement data of the Food Distribution ,Child Growth details, Stock Entry, Infrastructure details, Adolescent Girl growth , Supplementary Nutrition Program and Anganwadi Information.

i. Maintain the database of Beneficiaries registered and Food Distributed
ii. Ensure that Pregnant and Lactating women receive health check ups and immunization.
iii. Improve the enrollment of mothers at AnganwadiCenters (AWCs).
iv. Eliminate or decrease number of Pregnant and Lactating women with anaemia/ who are undernourished.
v. Reduce the incidence of low birth babies and malnutrition among children.
vi. Reduce the incidence of infant mortality and maternal mortality.
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