Trucknet Driver APP
managing its activity of transport on its cellular phone.
The driver receives his working schedule and his route directly on his phone; he can open a chat discussion with
the person in charge of the transport company; visualize his route and receive possible changes of schedule.
Trucknet uses the quite last technologies to géolocalize at any time the vehicle. The person in charge of the
transport knows at any time where the driver is; he can follow his route; his changes of road or his stops on the
route; he can transmit in real time to his drivers any modification of the schedule or the route.
This interface of the driver also allows the carriers and the driver of a single vehicle to use this software to plan
the work; optimize the routes; minimize the empty rides; visualize the route; make profitable the route and
establish payments via the secure and confidential platform of the Credit Mutuel.
This application contains the following 4 pages: the profile of the driver; the chat discussion between the driver
and his manager; the geo-localization of the vehicle and the route; the schedule of the driver transmitted and
updated in real time.