Trip Tracker. Track, monitor progress and share with friends!

Latest Version

Aug 28, 2020
Google Play ID

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Trip Tracker APP

Track your trip! When you travel by public transit, carpooling, vanpooling, biking, or walking, you not only save money, but you help clean our air by reducing CO2 emissions. This Trip Tracker app will calculate how much money you're saving every time you track a trip, as well as the CO2 emissions you’re reducing. It feels great to see those dollars and CO2 emissions add up! You can also share with your friends!

Trip tracker is designed to encourage New Yorkers to use alternative transportation and to improve air quality.

- Your profile is linked to your 511NY Rideshare account.
- Trip details can be updated as needed.
- Push notifications to remind you to track your trip.
- App works offline.
- CO2 emissions and financial savings automatically calculated.

Thank you for using Trip Tracker. Trip Tracker’s mobile-based application is designed to encourage New Yorkers to use alternative transportation and to improve air quality. We recognize that it is critical for individuals to be confident that their privacy is protected when they use Trip Tracker.

Trip Tracker does not collect personally identifiable information about you or your browsing session. Because this privacy policy applies only to Trip Tracker, you should examine the privacy policy of any outside website, service, or application, etc., that you access using Trip Tracker.
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