Trilegal Tchê APP
1. Choose Certificate: screen where the user can view the dozens of combinations available and add to shopping cart.
2. Shopping Cart: Screen where the user will view the items to be purchased, along with the details of each item.
3. Purchase of certificates: screen where the user can complete the purchase using your Visa or MasterCard credit card. In order to make the purchase the user must select the check box saying that you have read the terms of the current regulation.
4. My Order: screen where the user can view all your purchases, your payment status (approved, rejected, pending), along with a breakdown of your purchase.
5. Results Tri Legal: Screen where are displayed the prizes of the last draw, both major awards as the special round.
6. Prizes: View the current caution, to be drawn on Sunday
7. Register: screen for the user to fill your data and register in the system
8. Password Recovery: If you forget your password, you can request a new one.
9. Regulation: screen which displays the rules of the draw for that week.