Tricking Combonator APP
At the push of a button, a Tricking combo with up to 8 tricks will be automatically generated for you.
Use your arsenal of transitions and setups to make seemingly impossible Tricking combos happen or choose the ones provided by the app to spice the combo up even more!
Choose between four difficulty levels to generate Tricking combos suited to your capabilities. Each level includes the tricks from the previous difficulty level and adds new ones.
Combos with Kicks or Flips/Twists only? No problem: The app will generate a combo to your preferences!
Missing a common trick or transition? Feel free to contact me with your suggestions!
Some people are still confused on how to properly use this app. Here are some tips:
1) Almost all combos are doable if you get creative! That includes adding your own transition, setup or trick inbetween. Sometimes, a trick can easily be combined by doing it on your other side ("dark side")
2) Not all combos are nice, smooth or good looking. However, these rough combos give you the opportunity to think outside the box (see the point above) or train your overall combo skills.
3) Being able to do all tricks of one difficulty level (e.g. "Advanced") doesn't mean you are able to combine all of them. If you fail, take a step (aka difficulty level) back and make sure that you are capable of combining all of the prerequsite tricks!
4) Finally, this app is great as an alternative to the "H.O.R.S.E" game. Gather your friend and see who can pull the generated combo off!
Bonus: Personally, I often use the app for warm-up. I set the difficulty to "beginner" and warmup with some simple trick combinations :-)