Treino GMF Sesc APP
With it, students will be able to:
- Access fully personalized training, prepared by the educator who accompanies you in the GMF room, prescribed according to your goals and your current physical conditioning;
- View each exercise through videos made by Sesc educators, enabling greater safety and efficiency during training;
- Confirm that they completed the training scheduled for the day;
- Monitor the Units’ group class schedule;
- Access information about the GMF rooms of the participating Units (size, available equipment, address, opening hours and other services);
- Receive messages with information about the course and guidance for adjusting your training.
To register on the application and start using it, students need to go to the GMF Room of the Unit where they are registered and request access to one of the educators (those) present. After registration, students will be able to download the app from the Play Store or Apple Store and access it using an individual password to be created by each user.
The application will only be available to active students who are up to date with their registration, payment and documentation. Students excluded from the course, whether due to absence, expiration of mandatory documentation (attestation or PAR-Q), non-payment of monthly fees or withdrawal, will lose access to the application.