Treasure Box APP
We offer a secure online market place where you can sell or buy great products for a fraction of the price, there is no limit on the items you can find, starting from clothes, electronics, games, all the way to used cars, boats, and even homes. We do not charge you to list your products or to handle shipping of the products, you can simply list the item and wait for someone interested to make you an offer, the just schedule a time and place to meet to close your deal, it is that simple.
We are not a broker or shipping company we are just a free virtual market place, we do not charge subscription or memberships, we only charge a nominal fee if you want us to showcase feature your items, while we cannot guaranty the sell of your items, we can share that most items are sold after a couple of showcasing sessions.
If you have any questions, concerns, or recommendations please do contact us via the APP Support, thank you for using our environmentally concerned app and enjoy the shopping and saving while helping us save our planet.