
Latest Version

Aug 29, 2022
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Travelist APP

A social networking platform that allows travelers to share every aspect of their trip, from the
hotels they stay at to the activities they chose to partake in, and provide their own experiences to
others who share the same collective love for travel. Also, it allows travelers to find their next trip
via multiple individuals or entities.
Travel Lists:
This characteristic allows users to create lists that contain all their recommended places to visit
and explore in the countries they have visited. Lists are located in the user's main profile and are
easily accessible to anyone. Existing lists may be saved, and edited by other users to fit their own
travel criteria and preferences online and offline.
There are lists for every country that can be discovered either by accessing someone’s profile, or
searching for a country/city, which then opens up a page with several lists be- longing to that
certain country. Once tapping on a country/city, a page containing “Food and Beverage”, “Things
To Do”, and “Activities” tabs will appear. These tabs, when clicked, contain more
recommendation lists regarding their respective names.
Share a list: You can easily share an existing list with others via other platforms such as email,
chatting, or social media.
Pin a list: You can pin a list or add it to your profile and save it for your next trip.
Social Networking
Profile: Each user profile is unique to every individual. This in itself creates a wide and diverse
community of travelers enclosed into one social networking platform where they share their love
and interest for traveling. The first thing anyone would see are the two main tabs on every profile;
“Past Trips” and “My List”. The “Past Trips” tab contains pictures and videos of their past travels
that have been documented and shared with their followers. People are free to follow whomever
they want, as well as message them privately if they pleased. The “My List” tab consists of
recommended lists that the user has created and posted on their profile. These lists are available
for other users to see, share, or even save onto their own profiles for future references.
Create a profile: You as a traveler can easily create a profile in order to connect with others and
share your experiences.
Follow & Like: You as a traveler can follow your favorite traveler and like their shared content.
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