Translate Photo Scan: Scanner APP
For globetrotters facing foreign signs or important documents, our translator app is the solution. With 90 languages supported, simply snap a picture, and Translate Photo Scan becomes your on-the-go translation assistant.
Language Image Translator:
Translate Photo Scan lets you decipher image text, providing a complete English translation with word or phrase pronunciation. It's the ultimate translation app, making your life easier. Start translating photos now!
Your Own Personal Travel Buddy:
Download Translate Photo Scan for a language translator that comes to your aid whenever needed. The image translator surprises with its accuracy, bridging the gap between you and the information you seek. All done with a simple snap and translate.
Features - Translate Picture to Text:
Automated voice system for pronunciation.
Advanced optical character recognition technology.
Camera translator (image to text) for documents, messages, notes, menus, instructions, and more.
How To Use:
1. Select the original text language.
2. Take a photo with the image-to-text converter.
3. Press "Scan it" to activate the camera scanner.
4. Recognized text appears; select source and target languages.
5. Choose "translation," and a full translation appears.
6. Press "Voice" to listen to the translation for a complete experience.
Download Translate Photo Scan:
With Scan and translate, get a language translator that surprises with accuracy. Connect with more languages than ever before. Translations supported for Arabic, Spanish, French, Chinese, German, and many more.
Subscription Plans Unlock:
Unlimited translations.
Unlimited text recognitions.
Offline Text Recognition.
Offline translations.
Ads-free translation experience.