Traffic Prahari APP
The ‘Traffic Prahari ‘App is available on Google Play Store (for Android users) and Apple Store (for iOS users). After installation, the user has to start the App and register with his/her mobile number by entering the OTP, Name and Email ID.
The users can report specified traffic violations by capturing photos or videos of offending vehicles and send them to Delhi Traffic Police through the App for subsequent prosecution of the offenders.
The information regarding Date, Time, Place, Registration Number and Type of violation is mandatory to issue a notice u/s 133 M. V. Act, 1988 against traffic violation. Thus, Traffic Praharis are expected to provide this information. GPS coordinates, Date and Time are picked from mobile handset automatically.
An attractive reward system is also a part of the scheme. On the basis of points earned, the active Praharis shall be rewarded.