Tradefox APP
Get instant access to in-depth company reporting and reduce your risk of fraud, contract cancellations, and issues with material quality and claims.
- Search 100K+ verified companies by region, material and company type.
- Assess leads with in-depth reporting on trade activity
- Promote your listings to companies in 100+ countries.
- Contact leads directly with in-app messaging.
- Access daily industry news, updated market prices, and events.
- Find all the leads you need with our directory of verified companies.
- Contact decision-makers directly.
- Match your supply and demand to 100K+ companies worldwide.
- Reduce your risk of fraudulent suppliers and uncollectible claims: We verify every company thoroughly.
- Forge long-lasting relationships with quality sellers.
- Find better deals across a broader market.
- Easily share detailed offers and product photos on-the-go with a wide network of buyers.
- Reduce your risk of quality claims and contract cancellation.
- Promote your inventory to end-users & traders in 100+ countries.
100+ companies are joining Tradefox every month. Join the world’s largest scrap community today!
- Materials available: ferrous (HMS, shred ISRI 210/211, MS turnings, pipe scrap, skulls & more) & non-ferrous metals (aluminium, brass, copper, lead, magnesium, zinc, stainless steel, alloys), plastics, and e-scrap.
- Both global import/export and domestic trade available.
- Companies available to connect with: factories, demolition, automotive, waste collection & waste removal, scrap processors, scrap yards, recyclers, traders, brokers, freight forwarders, shipping & transport, mills, and foundries.
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