PNG Internal Revenue app for IRC official document validation

Latest Version

Dec 22, 2022
Google Play ID

App APKs

Track Tru - IRC APP

Track Tru is cloud based platform used for tracking products and documents online. This provides a unique opportunity for organiations to upload their official documents online with an automated embbedded QR or Bar Code on the document. This simple technique allows the validation of a document just by scanning the QR or the Bar code. The Track Tru - IRC is a version used by Papua New Guinea Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) to validate a selected official document. We are now starting with the Certificate of Compliance (COC) which has a 6 month life span. The new IRC COC has an embeded QR code on the document. This app is recommended to all government and private organizations who pay for services with a GST component. This allows the organization to ensure payments are made to tax compliant companies. For more information regarding this product contact PNG IRC.
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