Assists campaigns with toy events. Allows the public to donate to Toys for Tots.

Latest Version

Nov 26, 2024
Google Play ID

App APKs

Toys for Tots APP

The Marine Toys for Tots Campaign Distribution application assists local campaign coordinators during distribution events. Using the app campaign coordinators will be able to check in toy applicants from the app. This will then trigger the preparation of the applicants request. Once the request is prepared, the applicant is marked Ready for Pickup. The application package is then provided to the applicant, and the coordinator marks their application Complete to complete the process.

The application provides for applicant checkin via two methods. Scanning of the QR code from the applicant provided in their application approval. Or by performing an application search via application ID also provided in an approved application.

For the public, the application provides a simple Donate capability which will direct the user to an online donation form where they can pledge support the Marine Toys for Tots.
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