TorahCalc APP
Some of the many calculators you can find in this app include:
· English Text Input Calculator - You can currently type in requests for Biblical / Talmudic unit conversions, gematriah calculations, Hebrew calendar conversions, Molad calculations, or leap year calculations. More calculations coming soon.
· Biblical and Talmudic Unit Converter - Convert Talmudic measurement units to other Talmudic measurement units or to modern measurement units. Convert between any length/distance, area, volume, mass/weight, coins, or time measurements.
· Biblical and Talmudic Multi-Conversion Charts - Find the equivalent value of a given Biblical, Talmudic, or standard measurement in all of the other units of measurement simultaneously. Convert between all length/distance, area, volume, mass/weight, coins, or time measurements.
· Advanced Gematria Calculator - Calculate the Hebrew gematria of any word using 25 different methods of calculating gematria.
· Gematria Search - Find words in the Torah, verses in the Torah, and other common words with an equivalent gematria.
· Zmanim Calculator - Calculate Halachic Times for any location on any date.
· Hebrew Date Converter - Convert between dates on the Gregorian calendar and the Hebrew Calendar.
· Jewish Holidays Calendar - Calculate the dates of 76 Jewish holidays and observances for any year.
· Sefiras Haomer Calculator - calculate the day of the Omer for any day in any year.
· Daf Yomi Calculator - view info about the current Daf and calculate the Daf Yomi page for any day in any year.
· Molad Calculator - Calculate when the molad will occur for any Hebrew month.
· Leap Year Calculators - Determine whether or not a year is a leap year on the Hebrew calendar or on the Gregorian Calendar.
· Hebrew Zodiac Sign Calculator - Find out what your zodiac sign is according to Hebrew astrology using the Hebrew calendar.
The app also includes:
· Information about each of the 25 Gematria methods
· Information about each of the 74 Biblical/Talmudic units
· A chart listing the number of chapters and verses in each book of the Tanach and the number of words, letters, and parshios in each book of Torah
· Charts listing the minimum measurements required to fulfill the rabbinic and Torah obligations of eating matzah and marror, and drinking the four cups of wine on Pesach (Passover)
I hope to add even more features in the future. If you have suggestions for new features, let us know.