TNPSC Notes (Tamil & English) APP
The best notes and study materials app which would guide you on your road to success in TNPSC Group 1, 2, 2A, 4, VAO exams .We have notes for both the preliminary and mains exams available in 2 languages (English and Tamil). The materials are absolutely free for every user
TNPSC Group 1, 2, 2A, 4, VAO exams Exam Preparations
The Tamil Nadu public service commission conducts TNPSC Group 1, 2, 2A, 4, VAO examinations every year to shortlist candidates for the recruitment to various Civil Services in Tamil Nadu. Our app helps the aspirants to prepare for TNPSC Group 1, 2, 4, VAO exams efficiently.
Tips for Users:
"There are no short cuts to success , but smart work is as important as hard work. "
You should start with the subjects and the topics that are most difficult and the ones which carry maximum weightage in the syllabus for TNPSC Group 1, 2, 2A, 4, VAO exams. Time management is the most important aspect of preparation and can only be achieved by practice .Many competitive exams have negative marking, but luckily there is no negative marking in TNPSC exams. So focus on the right preparation strategy and Do your best!
Topics Covered:
General Science
Current Events
Geography of India
History and Culture of India
Indian Polity
Indian Economy
Indian National Movement
History, Culture, Heritage and Socio Political Movements in Tamil Nadu
Development Administration in Tamil Nadu
Aptitude and Mental ability
1) Available in two languages: English and Tamil
2) Online notes group wise(1, 2, 2A & 4) and category wise to make you learn the subject thoroughly.
3) Detailed point wise notes for every topic.
4) A monthly current affairs compilation to keep you updated with current events.
5) Notes with absolutely clarity to help you prepare for both the TNPSC group 1 2 2A and 4 preliminary and mains examination .
6) You can bookmark important questions.
7) You can relearn the TNPSC Group 1, 2, 4, VAO exam topic wise notes at anytime.
8) Free TNPSC Group 1, 2, 2A, 4, VAO exam materials that can be shared to your friends .
9) Our user friendly platform allows aspirants to dicuss and clarify doubts regarding TNPSC Group 1, 2, 2A, 4, VAO exam note in the comments section.
10) Get notified on any new updates regarding TNPSC Group 1, 2, 2A, 4, VAO exams.
11) Search for specific topic notes to enhance your knowledge.
12) Compilation of SCERT topic wise notes for TNPSC Group 1, 2, 2A, 4, VAO exams.
This App does not have any connection with the Government and it does not represent any Government entity.
We developed this app solely to help aspirants in their Exam Preparation.