Tipitaka APP
- Entire Pali Tipitaka, Commentaries and Sub-commentaries, as well as other texts
- Text search and in-page search
- Bookmarking
- Concordance for switching between Mula, Atthakatha and Tika passages
- Pali-English dictionary resources, including the PED, CPED, CEPD, and DPPN.
- Instant dictionary lookup with declension matching by highlighting words in text (Android 3+)
- Pali-English quiz to test vocabulary
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Android Tipitaka is based on the free and open source E-Tipitaka project by Sutee Sudprasert:
and is available on github itself:
Tipitaka files are taken from the VRI tipitaka here:
On first run, the app will download the required database file (20+ MB). That's the only time it uses the Internet; there are no ads, etc. If it doesn't download the database properly, download the file here:
put it in your sd card directory and unpack it with a file manager.