Tinker Time APP
Key feature
• Tinker Time offers ‘learn with fun’ program in Robotics, Electronics,
Artificial intelligence, IOT, 3D printing Drones etc.
• Designed specifically for the school kids, keeping in mind their age,
curriculum and safety
• 80% time dedicated for hands-on practical and 20% for training
through audio-video animation and AV clips
• Teaches you real Hands-on skills for STEM.
• Key concept of robotics and engineering
• Proper use of tools and safety procedure
• Knowledge of basic electronics, motor, gears, pulleys and sensors.
Why Tinker Time
• Move children from passive spectators to active experiential
• Ignite the ‘ engineering spark’ in your child and tap his/her
inclination & interest in technology
• Build confidence that children can solve real-world problems
• Initiate a scientific research approach, creativity, innovation and the
team work
• Training through Audio- visual animations