Timing Pro Light Gates consists Primary and Secondary Light Gates

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Jul 29, 2023
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Timing Pro Light Gates consists of a set of Primary and Secondary Light Gates with Bluetooth connectivity to a smart device. The Primary Light Gate has a built-in timer, solenoid attachment port and two channels( Primary & Secondary) on which unlimited Secondary Light Gates can be daisy changed. It has several advanced features over the conventional Timer by making use of dedicated software on PC and apps for Android/iOS which graphically displays the blocked pulse as a function of time for two channels. The Primary Light Gate contains Micro-controller having crystal controlled time base to accurately measure the time with a least count time resolution of 0.1millisecond. Communication between Primary and Secondary Light Gates as well as Primary Light Gate and Solenoid is carried on via wire link and that between the Primary Light Gate and Computer is made through wireless Bluetooth link.

It can be used with Air track and Dynamic Trolleys to comprehensively study several experiments on kinematics and dynamics which requires light gate. An inbuilt rechargeable cell on Primary Light Gate provides power for the set-up. The Primary light gate also provides both power and trigger to an optional solenoid. Special circuits conserve battery power on the Light Gates and Solenoid. The solenoid has sensing circuits to detect an object placed and then only energizes the solenoid. The Solenoid winding has a resettable thermal fuse to prevent overheating. The user-friendly software also contains templates for various experiments: Velocity, Acceleration, Collision, Picket Fence. ‘g’ by Free Fall and many more.
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