TimeAct by SureAct APP
It facilitates the immediate obtaining of up to three types of report by date ranges: actions performed, current status and work activity times. The reports are sealed and certified automatically.
The structuring in three levels of operation, company, center of work and project, allows to improve the scandallo of costs.
As a link between the employee and the company, it allows the application and approval of vacations and paid leave, as well as the electronic signature, with probative value, of communications and authorizations. The employee can consult his diary and work calendar whenever and wherever he wishes.
The work calendar, according to agreement, is customizable for each employee. It allows a control and a dynamic regulation of the activity, individual by individual.
It is an ideal tool for companies with a strong geographic relocation and / or employees in continuous displacement.
Pay-per-use web service, compatible with desktops, laptops and mobiles.