Time signal service APP
Tap the screen to display the buttons.
Tap the Play button on the bottom left to start playing the time signal.
The sound of the time signal is treated as a music player and will continue to play even if the application is closed.
Sleep timer included
In the settings, you can adjust the volume and set the wakeup timer.
Date format
You can select the date display format.
The following characters can be used in customization.
y Year
M Month in year (context sensitive)
d Day in month
E Day name in week
If you arrange the same characters in succession, the display will change.
y 2021
yy 21
M 1
MMMM January
The time voice
English Aria
Created By ondoku3.com
Japanese 四国めたん
The operation is based on the time of the device.
Audio may be delayed by the output device.
Delays may occur due to sound skipping, output clock differences, etc.
Get coupons that are distributed at periodic intervals.
Confirmation of time.
As background music when falling asleep.
Correcting the clock of a Video Cassette Recorder.
Can be used as a table clock.
About "Digital clock with seconds display" Home Screen App Widget
This is a low-load clock widget with seconds display using a Chronometer (one of the components of the screen).
The display will be slightly out of sync with the time on the device.
The display is momentarily corrupted at 0:00 and 1:00.