Time Bank of India APP
Under the Concept, any person preferably a healthy retired person above the age of 60 years (called the Member) who has time, energy and zeal to take care of such needy elders by helping them at the time of their need by devoting their time with them. The time spent by the Member will be deposited in their specific account which can be used by them at the time of their need. Thus the Members are earning/saving their time to be utilized in future. There will be no money transaction between the Members and the service seekers. For example, if Mr/Mrs X serves any needy elder (service seeker) four hours a week, he will earn/save 16 hours a month and 192 hours or 8 days a year which will be deposited in his/her account. This time can be used by seeking service at the time of his/her own requirement in instalments or one time. Other Members will serve and earn/save their time and so on…
In simple terms Registration in Time Bank of India is like opening a bank account with zero balance. Deposit time instead of money whenever and whatever available to them by doing service to elders. Withdraw the time equivalent to their deposit as per their choice at the time of their needs.