Tico APP
* Trending now in 5 continents with over 30 countries
* English, French, Chinese, Japanese
* Texts, Images, Location Messages
* Group Chat
* Video Call
* Notification Filter
The most considerate messenger you've never had.
Filter messages by topic/time/location, get your concentration back and focus on the really right things anytime anywhere.
All of your messages will be dispatched/received at the best time and places. You can gain a well-organized social life with friends without worrying about bothering each other. A chance to become a more elegant messenger.
What you can do on Tico :
• Contact with friends you've connected to.
• Classify all of your messages into clear categories.
• Make calls that display a specific purpose to your friends.
• Set customized rules for notifications so that each message can be read for the right occasion! Say goodbye to all the distracting and bothering notifications.
• Save and pick the best time to deliver messages with [Time Message]. Send no more messages at the wrong time, also, never miss the important time for you and your friends.
• Pick the best place to leave a [Location Message] to bother nobody, just like the sticky notes on your desk and refrigerator.
On Tico, you no longer have to pay wasteful attention to useless messages; instead, you can always send/get messages at the best time, in other words, you can keep social life but get your focus and lives back from now on.
Your most elegant messenger,
Leave us your feedback and get in touch with us if you need any support