The authorized Assistant Engineers and Overseers login into THITTAM app. Once they login, the works which are under progress in their jurisdiction are displayed on their mobile. Geofencing of each work is done when the mark the site for particular work. There are more than 500 types of of works such as Construction of School Building, Anganwadi Building, Panchayat Office building, Road, Street Ligt, Water Supply Works such as Construction of Over Hed Tank, Ground Level Resaerviou, Bore well, Burial ground etc are under taken under various Schemes.
There are around 80,000 habitations in Tamil Nadu spead across 12525 Village Panchayts. Works are executed in these habitaions. The authorized Assistant Engineers and ZOverseers from Block Office visit these habitations to mark the progress of each work under various stages. Based on their visit Bill is passed and money is paid to contractors. The App will work Offline and Online mode. Various reports are generated at the Block level,District level and State level for Monitoring the works executed under various Scemes.