The Safe Place APP
The Purpose of the "Safe Place" is to bring more awareness, education, and hope to this serious issue. Not only can the black community benefit from this app, but also mental health professionals, friends, and family, of ALL colors can be better educated on this issue and do a service by directing their black friends, co workers, etc. to the app.
All races go through mental illness, but we also can experience it differently because of our race and social backgrounds. "The Safe Place" can also be a great learning tool for mental health professional's to better understand their black patients.
App features Include
* Black Mental Health Statistics
*Inspirational Black Quotes
*Self Care Tips On
1. How to Cope After Police Brutality
2. Mental Health In The Black Church
3. How to talk to black family members who may not want to understand mental illness
4. Breathing Techniques
5. Meditation
6. Exercise
*Mental Health Videos And Podcast
*Mental Health Articles
*Open Fourm Discussions
And More!